Mike and Judy's Travels

Mike and Judy Henderson

This is the starting page of our digital travel scrapbook, started as a way for us to remember our travels.  But over time, friends and relatives have asked to be notified when we update the scrapbook, and we're happy to share the stories of our travels.  From here, you can link to pictures of each trip.  Not all of our travel is listed here, just those where we took pictures and made the web pages.

When I started documenting our travel, I'd take pictures during the trip and then do the web pages when we got home.  That didn't work so well because we'd forget what we had done each day, and it took a lot of motivation to go through all the pictures and do the "blog".  So now, I take my computer with us and I try to update the blog each day.  

If you would like to be notified when we post pictures of another trip, please send me your email address and I'll add you to our notification distribution.  My email is "mike at michael - henderson dot us" with no spaces, of course.