Panama Canal Cruise
Mike and Judy Henderson
April 11 to April 27, 2016
I'll leave the map of our cruise route at the front of each blog page so you can more easily see where we are. As I start this page, we're just departing Guatemala, heading toward Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
4/18/2016 Tax day in the US! We're sailing along - an "at sea" day - heading to Costa Rica, our last stop before the Panama Canal. We had a nice sunset today.
A very nice couple from Virginia, Bill and Jean, are at the table next to us and we've gotten to know them a bit.
4/19/2016 We arrived at Puntarenas, Costa Rica this morning about 8am. Judy and I had scheduled a backwoods tour in a "monster truck". And there it was, waiting for us. There were 36 of us on the tour. The guide said that they were having a cool spell but it was HOT. Luckily, the truck was air conditioned.
We went through some real back roads of Costa Rica.
People lived there, but their dwellings were fairly simple.
And we did see some wildlife - an Iguana. The guide said they taste like chicken. They're apparently very numerous in Costa Rica.
4/20/2016 Another day "at sea". We attended a lecture on the Panama Canal in the morning and then watched two movies on the building of the canal. One was a Nova presentation and was excellent.
There's a lot to cover for the canal transit so I'm going to devote a separate web page to the transit.
Our transit of the Panama Canal can be seen here.